
Get Your Skin Ready For Spring

By Susanne Myers

The cold, harsh weather outside, and dry, heated air inside during the winter months does quite a bit of damage to our skin. Add to that the fact that we don’t get much sun exposure and it is easy to see that our skin needs a little prepping to get it ready for the first warm spring days outside. Now is a great time to start getting your skin ready for spring.

Get Rid Of Dead Skin Cells

Your first goal should be to get rid of any dead skin cells on your body. This will prepare your skin for the moisturizing that will follow. Use a gentle scrub, like the recipe for the sugar scrub at the bottom of this article. It will gently exfoliate your skin and prep it for spring.

Skip The Hot Bath

Soaking in a hot bath may seem tempting when it’s cold outside, but it can also further dry out your skin. Opt for a quick warm (not hot) shower instead and use a gentle moisturizing cleanser. Pat yourself dry with a soft towel. Don’t forget to replenish your skin using a good moisturizer after each shower.

Moisturize Moisturize Moisturize

To soften the skin and give it that nice, natural glow, use plenty of moisturizer. The dry winter air, and the heated inside air do quite a bit of damage to your skin during the colder months. Use a good, natural moisturizer daily, especially after you get out of the shower. See below for a good homemade lotion recipe. Pay special attention to your hands and face, since they will be more exposed to the elements than the rest of your body.

Prep For The Sun

If you are planning on being out in the sun once the weather starts warming up (and who doesn’t), make sure your skin is ready for it. Protect yourself with plenty of sunscreen during the first few weeks and don’t forget to apply it to your face and hands as well. You can start using a body lotion with a light self-tanner in it now to prepare your skin for the upcoming sun.

Sugar Scrub Recipe

Home made lotion for dry skin


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susanne_Myers

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